Glossary of terminology
Raconteur: Literature’s greatest bounty hunters and the self-appointed guardians of the Literary Universe.
Literary World: A self-contained sphere of reality that is the physical incarnation of a Novel or imaginative Story.
Logos Personae: The main character of a literary world whose existence is intertwined with the Narrative. The Logos Personae is the soul of the Story, the fulcrum to the world and the linchpin to its survival.
The Muse: The impersonal essence of the Story. She dictates the tropes and motifs of the Narrative.
Narrative: The unceasing forward movement of the Story. The consequences of interrupting or corrupting its flow can be catastrophic.
Crucible Effect: A catastrophic event that ends with a literary world burning to ash. Occurs at the loss of the Logos Personae or the course of the Narrative is altered beyond what can be repaired or restored.
Law of Transmitigation: One of the Seven Laws of Literature. The term used for the forfeiture of a character’s innate supernatural powers when they go beyond the boundaries of their Novel of origin. Sorcerers are unable to draw from the source of their magic. The fey are mortal and non-magical. The most formidable Demi-gods or celestial beings are diminished to a shadow of their previous glory.